Monday, February 15, 2010

I really hate...

getting into fights with my best friends. Ugh, I was so inconsiderate towards Tiffany and I realized it too late! I hate that... the worst part was that I felt as if I was becoming like my mom and it really scares me. My mom is the BEST at bringing me dooooown and she is such a pessimist. I mean I love her, I really do. BUT, seriously she is so full of anger and aasdhkalsflaf! It's so hard to deal with her. I feel as if nothing ever really pleases her and everything that I do is never going to be okay.

Anyways... lesson learned! Criticism is a no no and it does not help the situation. Dumb me. >>Text to Tiffany

"I'm disappointed and I'm mad. I will never understand. I'm sorry I've been giving you my thoughts. Now I know to not. I'll listen but never agree. That's just how it will always be. But from now on I won't criticize and keep an open mind. I'm only a bystander, what can I do? I'll just listen."

I wish that she could just get over him already! But what can I do... NOTHING. Well, listen yeah but that's about it. I hate ____. HATE. At this moment, she's probably thinking about him, with her loving emotions that remain lingering while he is thinking about 2 other girls and maybe, MAYBE with her in the corner of his mind... DOUBT IT.

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